For homeowners, energy efficiency is a major concern. Wasted energy leads to wasted money, and by conducting a simple home energy evaluation, you can spot inefficiencies and take action to solve them, which will help you save while doing the environment a favor.
When it comes to wasted energy around the house, there are four major culprits: air leaks, lighting, insulation, and heating and cooling equipment. Air leaks occur in exterior walls, around doors and windows, in attics and basements, and in your electrical outlets. Lighting is an easy fix: switch over to fluorescent light bulbs and turn off the lights when you’re not using them. Insulation needs to be installed in exterior walls, attics and floors, and needs to be of a high enough R-value to inhibit heat transfer effectively. Finally, you need to evaluate your home’s HVAC equipment — and chances are you’ll find ways you can save money on heating and cooling costs.
There are several ways that heating and cooling equipment can lead to deficiencies in home energy efficiency. Older furnaces and air conditioners have lower energy conversion rates, which essentially means that they draw a lot more power to heat or cool your home than newer, more efficient models. Also, over time, wear and tear on their working parts mean they just can’t run as well as they did when they were new. If your ducts aren’t insulated or haven’t been cleaned for a while, you may also be experiencing a loss of conditioned air before it can be delivered to the rooms in your home, not to mention diminished indoor air quality.
You can improve home heating and cooling efficiency by replacing aging equipment with newer, more energy-efficient furnaces and air conditioners. If you can’t afford to replace your furnace or air conditioner, at least invest in preventive maintenance. Duct cleanings can also greatly improve energy efficiency around the home. At Ace Hardware Home Services, Inc., we offer a wide range of HVAC products and services that can help you boost home energy efficiency. To learn more or arrange service, please contact us.
Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about energy evaluations and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.
Ace Hardware Home Services services the Ohio’s Miami Valley. Visit our website to see our special offers and get started today!