It’s possible to lower high heating costs with an energy-savings strategy that you can put in place with a little effort and expense. The time and money you devote to making small improvements throughout your home will give you increased comfort and long-term savings.
Your Autumn Furnace Tune-up: What to Expect From Your Tech
The days and nights are getting cooler in Southwest Ohio, and you’ve likely already turned on your heat a few times. It’s not too late, however, to schedule your autumn furnace tune-up to get these far-reaching benefits:
Programmable Thermostats Are Another Cost-Saving Strategy If Used Correctly
Today’s high-tech programmable thermostats are a far cry from yesterday’s manual, mechanical models. Their use can increase indoor air comfort, add convenience and reduce energy consumption, thereby saving you dollars. Knowing how to correctly use the programmable thermostat you’ve installed in your Dayton area home, however, is key to obtaining the benefits it has to […]
Heat Pumps in Colder Weather: Tips for Improving Performance
Fall is well underway in Southwest Ohio, which signals that winter’s not far behind. Do not wait until the winter season to discover heat pump trouble. In the colder months, heat pump trouble is common yet easily avoidable by following these tips for improving heat pump performance.
Air Filters Trap Particles: What That Means in Your Greater Dayton Home
Air filters are a necessary component of your HVAC system, and changing them is a fairly simple task. However, what many homeowners find confusing is choosing the best ones to suit their needs, given the vast selection of products available today. Are pleated filters better than flat ones? And what do the efficiency ratings on […]
Have HVAC Installation Quotes? Now Choose
Inexperienced homeowners often have a difficult time making decisions when faced with multiple HVAC installation quotes. Here are some factors to consider when trying to decide which HVAC system is right for your family’s home.
Achieving Balanced Humidity: Here’s What to Do If Yours Needs Help
Maintaining a comfortable balanced humidity level in your home is essential for your overall health as well as preventing problems with your home itself. Too much humidity, (moisture in the air), can lead to water damage and wood rot, as well as bacteria growth, mold growth and mildew, with the associated health issues. If the […]
How's Your Home's Indoor Air Quality? Here's What to Check
The indoor air quality of your Dayton area home is affected by many factors. For your family’s health and safety, the air quality inside your home should be tested. A household’s air pollutants may include harmful gases, various allergens and bacteria, or mold and mildew growth. Mold and mildew is especially prevalent during wet and humid […]
Air Cleaner Shopping: 3 Things to Look For
The mold, mildew, allergens and other airborne dust particles in your home can make you and your family ill if inhaled in sufficient quantities. Polluted air can irritate respiratory systems, aggravating health disorders such as asthma, allergies and COPD. The use of a quality air cleaner can help you maintain a cleaner home by eliminating many of these irritants. But […]
Your New Geothermal Heating and Cooling Installation: 5 Maintenance Musts
A geothermal system may be the perfect choice for heating and cooling your Dayton area home, utilizing solar energy stored a few feet underground outside your house. Geothermal heating and cooling’s increasing popularity within the U.S. and around the globe is due in large part to its reliability, cost effectiveness and sustainability in comparison to a […]