With school out for the summer, your kids are likely to be at home more often than usual. When it gets hot outside, it’s important to make sure that everyone in your family stays cool indoors. However, blasting your air conditioning will mean that you’ll be facing higher energy bills this season. Find out how […]
Now What: Next Steps When Your Rental Home’s A/C Goes Out
It’s a hot summer day in an apartment or rented house and the rental A/C is on the blink. Just what you don’t need, today of all days. If you were the property owner, you’d make a quick call to a HVAC contractor and get a qualified service technician out here to handle the problem […]
Home Comfort: What Affects It?
While it can be difficult to stay comfortable outside due to extreme weather, it should be less challenging to ensure maximum comfort indoors. Your Dayton home can feel less comfortable when something’s amiss. You can easily boost home comfort if you know the main factors that affect it. Here’s a closer look at these factors.
HVAC Safety Tips for Children
Now that the kids are home for summer, you should review your home safety procedures. Assess the ages and levels of maturity of your children and take a realistic look at what hazards the kids are likely to be exposed to when the adults aren’t looking. In general, we tend to think first about fire […]
Avoid Overworking Your HVAC This Summer
You’re running your A/C, but the house still isn’t very comfortable. Plus, the system just broke down for the umpteenth time, and your energy bills are skyrocketing. The problem might be that you’re overworking it.
Why Bathroom Ventilation is Important
Do you have exhaust ventilation in your bathrooms? You should.
Get Through the Dog Days of Summer with Your HVAC
Summer weather in Dayton is warm and humid, no doubt about it. What’s more, in the dog days of summer, extreme heat waves do occur, causing us to run our air conditioners pretty much continuously.
Ways to Stay Cool on the Fourth
The Fourth of July presents an opportunity for you to gather the whole crew, relax, and have fun times together. Unfortunately, that may mean having to overwork your HVAC system as well. So how can you keep your guests cool during the July Fourth festivities without emptying your wallet for your energy bill? Follow the […]