Because it’s the heating season, potential winter HVAC safety hazards are a timely topic to keep in mind as your furnace keeps you comfortable. Natural gas is the most common heating fuel utilized in our region. Even though gas furnaces have an excellent record for safe operation, it’s a good idea to be aware of […]
Don’t Be Concerned About These HVAC Smells
There’s nothing more worrisome than strange smells emitting from our major appliances. When this happens, most of us assume that we’re in for a breakdown or repair. That’s not always the case, especially when it comes to HVAC smells. Sometimes, these HVAC smells are relatively innocuous. Read on to learn the difference between the various […]
Home Safety Hazards Can Always Crop Up with Your HVAC Unit
While residential heating and cooling systems are designed and engineered to operate as safely as possible, HVAC safety hazards can still occur. Furnaces and air conditioners integrate moving parts, electrical wiring, high temperatures, and toxic substances, and they are installed in certain areas of the home that may present hazards. That’s why maintenance and repair […]
Homeowner’s Guide to an HVAC Emergency: Safety, Common Issues and What to Do
While Dayton may not need to maintain the level of emergency preparedness that coastal residents do, the possibility of extensive damage to our homes means we all have to be on high alert whenever storms approach. One piece of equipment that you should take extra care to protect is your HVAC system. Read on and […]
Is Your HVAC Baby Proofed?
Making sure that your newborn is safe in your Dayton home involves going around and doing some babyproofing. As you check each room of your home for potential hazards, don’t forget about your HVAC equipment. These HVAC system babyproofing tips can help lower the risk of injuries.
HVAC Safety Tips for Children
Now that the kids are home for summer, you should review your home safety procedures. Assess the ages and levels of maturity of your children and take a realistic look at what hazards the kids are likely to be exposed to when the adults aren’t looking. In general, we tend to think first about fire […]
Older Furnace? Follow Proper Pilot Light Safety
Furnace pilot lights used to be the norm, but they’ve been replaced in recent years by electronic ignitors. If you have an older furnace with a pilot light, it’s equipped with a built-in safety mechanism called a thermocouple. When everything’s working properly, the thermocouple senses when the pilot goes out and shuts a small valve […]