If you suffer from allergies, you may find it surprising that the allergens making your life miserable are sharing your home. To manage your allergy symptoms and get some relief, start with a visit to an allergist for testing. When the results are in, you might learn that you’re allergic to one or more of these common household triggers.
The dust that floats in your indoor air and collects everywhere is a mixture of many allergy-inducing particles, like shed skin cells, insect waste, bits of food, textile and paper fibers, soil and hair. Wet dusting and vacuuming your home often can help limit your exposure.
Plant pollen is a common outdoor allergen, especially in the spring and fall. If you’re allergic, staying indoors is not a guarantee of relief unless you take steps to keep pollen out of your indoor air supply. To do so, run your HVAC blower fan to filter the air continuously, and keep your windows closed during pollen seasons.
Pet Dander
If you have pets and discover that you’re allergic to dander, you don’t necessarily have to find them a new home immediately. Instead, start reducing the amount of dander on surfaces and in the air by giving your pets frequent baths and keeping them off any upholstered furniture, and out of your sleeping area.
Dormant mold spores are everywhere in most homes, and they only need moisture and warmth to become active. If you’re allergic to mold, keeping your indoor humidity level under control can help you avoid a reaction. Although your A/C helps pull moisture from the air, you may need a whole-house dehumidifier as well.
Dust Mites
Dust mites are microscopic spider relatives that feed on dead skin cells. They’re found in high numbers where food is plentiful – in carpets, textiles and bedding. Vacuuming, steam cleaning and laundering these items frequently, and using allergen-proof mattress and pillow protectors can help keep dust mites under control so you breathe easier.
For more tips on decreasing allergies and boosting air quality in your Dayton-area home, contact us at Ace Hardware Home Services.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in Dayton, Ohio about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).
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