Everyone knows that in order to save money, you need to make certain changes in your life. What you might not realize is that a few small changes in your home can translate to big savings in monthly energy bills. Here are four that we recommend:
Seal Air Leaks
Air leaks are one of the biggest problems when it comes to wasting energy and money. That’s because as conditioned air escapes your home, the heating or cooling system must replace that air to maintain your set temperature. To fix this issue, seal leaks with caulking, spray foam, or weather stripping, depending on the location and severity.
Call an HVAC Professional for HVAC Maintenance
Heating and cooling systems are designed to last for quite a few years, but that doesn’t mean you can put one in and forget about it. These units go through wear and tear just like any other appliance. An annual inspection and maintenance by an HVAC technician will ensure that the system stays energy efficient, which will lower your costs.
Upgrade the Thermostat
If you still have a manual thermostat, the first thing you should do is upgrade it to a programmable unit. These models allow you to set the days and times when your HVAC system is in operation. And if you already have a programmable one, then an upgrade to a Wi-fi thermostat will provide you with the ability to access the unit remotely and make necessary changes on the fly.
Be Aware of Your Water Usage
Wasting water often comes down to simple carelessness. With a little awareness, you can make a huge difference in water usage and cost. You can do a series of things like washing clothes and dishes only when you have a full load, turning off the water when you brush your teeth, and cutting your showers down to a maximum of five minutes.
To learn more about how small changes can translate to big savings, contact the professionals at Ace Hardware Home Services. We’ve been serving the HVAC needs of Dayton, Springfield, and the surrounding areas for three generations.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in Dayton, Ohio about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).
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