Heating And Cooling Blog

Even Better Indoor Air Quality At Home With UV Lights
A critical component to maintaining your family’s health is ensuring that the air quality in your home is as good as possible. Even if you don’t have allergies or asthma, poor indoor quality can cause negative effects like stuffiness, itchy eyes, sore throat, and fatigue.

Zoning Systems Put You In Control Of Comfort
Does your home have cold spots or uncomfortably warm areas at certain times of the day or seasons of the year? This is a fairly common problem here in the Miami Valley in mid-summer and mid-winter, but it can happen anytime.

Big Tax Credits On For Geothermal Heat Pumps
Did you miss out on the 2010 federal energy efficiency tax credits? Thankfully, there are plenty more opportunities to take advantage of tax credits that expire in 2011 or later. Geothermal heat pumps are one of the technologies that are included, and the best part is, there is no limit to the amount of the […]

Measure Your Home’s Energy Saving Potential With A New Online Tool
Here in the Dayton/Springfield area many of us use our home comfort systems year-round, so we never get a break from high utility bills. There are ways to cut those bills down to size, however.

Easing Spring Allergies With These Indoor Air Quality Measures
Spring is coming, and that means allergy season is on the way. You can’t control the air outside, but you can, and should, control the indoor air quality in your home. Both localized cleaning and whole-house air purification can decrease allergens. Even if you don’t suffer from seasonal allergies or asthma, improving indoor air quality […]

Whole-House Humidifier Cleaning And Upkeep
A whole-house humidifier can provide significant improvements in home comfort and health benefits for you and your family. Maintaining proper humidity levels helps reduce shocks from static electricity, prevents dry sinuses, improves itchy skin, and reduces bacteria, viruses and mold. It can also keep your wood floors and furniture from getting dry and cracked. Maintaining […]

Operating Tips For Programmable Thermostats
It’s winter and it’s cold. In these stormy months, everybody’s daily ritual is to walk out of the cold wind and into a warm house. The feel of warm carpet on your toes is like nothing else.

7 Energy Savings Tips To Help Keep Energy Costs Down
Many of us here in the Dayton area rely on home comfort systems to control temperature and humidity at home year-round, with an emphasis on winter heating. In order to shrink those utility bills while still keeping your home comfortable, check out the following tips for energy savings: