A dirty air filter negatively impacts your HVAC system’s efficiency and degrades your home’s air quality. For these reasons, it’s important for you to replace your filter at the right time. With many tasks competing for your attention on your to-do list, you can easily forget to do this essential maintenance work.
Remind yourself to change your air filter with these tips.
Put Replacement Filters Somewhere Conspicuous
Buy a stack of new air filters and place them in a spot where you’ll see them regularly, like your utility closet or laundry room. Write the date your current filter needs to be replaced on a sticky note then put it on top of one of the filters or the whole stack.
Group Air Filter Changing With Other Chores
Combining tasks makes them easier to remember. Come up with a list of chores you do every one or two months such as inspecting your gutters and dusting your blinds. Add changing your filter to this list. That will help you make it a habit to change the filter on that special day you set aside to take care of those other chores.
Set Up a Reminder
Create a reminder to change your filter on your computer or phone. You’ll get an alert on the date when the task is due. If you use a paper calendar, add notes to the dates you need to replace your filters.
Get a Smart Thermostat
Some newer digital thermostats come with the ability to alert you when it’s time to replace your filter. Depending on the model, the thermostat can send you a message on your phone or flash a notification.
By always remembering to replace your filter, you’ll enhance the efficiency of your HVAC system. If you have more questions about your air filter, please contact us at Ace Hardware Home Services. We’ve served the Dayton area for three generations.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in Dayton, Ohio about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).
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