Proper HVAC maintenance by a certified technician has a lot going for it. But you’ve got a busy life and lots of other things to deal with other than cooling and heating components. So how long can you put off scheduling maintenance — and what happens if you do?
Warranty Matters
If your system components are still under warranty, scheduling HVAC maintenance is a no-brainer. The terms of most AC and furnace warranties stipulate annual HVAC maintenance by a professional HVAC contractor who’s certified to do the job. If you neglect yearly maintenance, the terms of the warranty may be void, and you’ll end up footing the bill for anything and everything that might go wrong now and from now on.
Reliability and Longevity
A typical residential, gas-fired furnace has an average service life of at least 15 to 20 years. However, this figure assumes that the furnace gets annual professional maintenance by a certified technician. The reliability and life expectancy of the furnace — as well as the heating effectiveness and low operating costs — depend upon annual furnace maintenance.
The same applies to air conditioning. The central AC can be expected to deliver reliable cooling for 12 to 17 years before replacement is likely to be required. However, an air conditioner that doesn’t receive regular maintenance could possibly require costly repairs — or even replacement of the unit — in as little as five years. Cooling efficiency and overall home comfort will be negatively impacted too.
Lower Costs
Efficient, effective operation of heating and cooling units translates into lower monthly operating expenses. The costs of electricity and natural gas required for air conditioning and heating, respectively, continue to rise. Furnaces and air conditioners come with EPA efficiency ratings that help predict monthly HVAC expenses. However, these estimates are directly related to annual maintenance by qualified professionals. If maintenance is neglected, efficiency slumps and costs continue to rise.
Talk to the experts at Ace Hardware Home Services about scheduling regular HVAC maintenance for your furnace and AC.