You can easily increase your comfort and the health of your home and family by using a humidifier this winter. Air naturally dries as temperatures outdoors drop and your heating system robs the indoor air of its moisture. Dry air makes you feel colder, promotes the spread of contagious diseases and harms your home’s structure and furnishings.
Overly dry air creates a whole host of problems, including:
- Dry, parched sinuses, noses, and throats.
- Increased irritation from allergies and asthma.
- Dry skin and skin cracks.
- Faster transmission rates of cold and flu viruses.
- Static electricity that can burn out low-voltage components in electronics.
- Shrinkage and cracks in anything made from wood, including floors, walls, cabinets and furniture.
- Increased energy bills because dry air feels cooler.
The ideal humidity level indoors ranges between 30 and 50 percent. When air cools off, it can’t hold as much humidity. Heating the air to maintain comfort dries it even further, and as a consequence, humidity drops even more.
You can increase humidity levels by using portable humidifiers or opting for a whole-house humidifier that provides the most convenient solution for managing indoor comfort and health. Central humidifiers offer significant advantages over spot humidifiers because they:
- Manage humidity levels. Using a humidistat, similar to a thermostat, you can select the moisture level that’s most comfortable for you.
- Run effortlessly. Unlike portable devices that require frequent refilling, a central system connects to your home’s plumbing and water automatically flows to the unit whenever it’s needed. Portable units need frequent cleaning, while a whole-house unit may need cleaning once or twice a year.
- Cut energy costs. Central humidifiers use a small amount of electricity compared to using multiple portable devices throughout your home.
- Reduces costs. Most portable humidifiers require expensive distilled water, while central systems use tap water.
- Save space. A whole-house system attaches to your furnace, unlike portable units that sit on the floor or furniture.
If you’d like more information about adding a humidifier for your comfort this winter, contact Ace Hardware Home Services, providing trusted HVAC services for Dayton area homeowners since 1978.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in Dayton, Ohio about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).
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