Evaluating key furnace performance indicators can tell you a few things about the current state of heating components as well as help predict whether system replacement may be required in the near future. Certain warning signs can also indicate possible safety issues that need to be resolved, ASAP.
As another cold Ohio winter continues, pay attention to the following furnace performance indicators:
Are repairs more frequent?
If you’ve had to call for professional service to keep the furnace running this winter, it could be the sign of an older unit that’s approaching the end of its expected service life. Or, it may result from neglecting annual preventive maintenance by a qualified HVAC technician. This service provides manufacturer-recommended maintenance procedures to reduce wear and tear as well as an up-close inspection to detect incipient problems before they become a major malfunction.
Are heating costs rising?
Unless there’s another explanation such as increase in natural gas rates or especially cold weather, rising monthly heating expenses could be a sign of a furnace that no longer meets manufacturer’s efficiency specs. This may be due to defective components that require replacement, lack of preventive maintenance, or simply the age of the unit. In a furnace approaching the average 15-year lifespan, persistent energy efficiency decline usually indicates that system replacement is the most financially feasible option.
Is the house less comfortable than usual?
Maybe the furnace doesn’t seem to be keeping the home comfortable this winter. Marginal furnace components such as burners or the system blower, or ancillary issues like leaky ductwork or insufficient insulation, need to be checked and resolved to restore heating performance.
Have safety concerns been discovered?
If a system inspection reveals critical safety issues such as a cracked heat exchanger, the furnace must be shut down and cannot be operated. In most cases, replacement with a new furnace will be the required alternative.
For qualified professional service to evaluate furnace performance issues, in the Dayton area contact Ace Hardware Home Services.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in Dayton, Ohio about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).