When HVAC fan problems arise, it’s an issue that’s hard to ignore. No matter how efficient your air conditioner or furnace may be, if the volume of cool or warm airflow moving through the ductwork isn’t adequate—or, worse, there’s no air flowing at all—everyone in the house feels the effects.
Air Conditioning Maintenance
Do You Have a Rusty Air Conditioner? What to Do
Rust appearing in or on anything is never a welcome sign. It’s one of the top HVAC problems. If left unchecked, it can lead to leaks and system failure. Keep reading to find out what you should do if you discover you have a rusty air conditioner as well as how you can prevent the […]
How to Know if Your A/C Drain Line is Clogged
A clogged condensate drain shouldn’t be ignored. It has the potential to cause serious damage, including flooding that can destroy floors and drywall.