What should your ducts be made out of? There are a number of different types of ductwork material, all of which have advantages and disadvantages. Here’s what you need to know.
What Are the Pros and Cons of Ductless Mini-Splits?
Even though ductless mini-splits are a relative newcomer for heating and cooling in the United States, there’s no doubt that they have earned their place as a valid choice for many situations. Used primarily in smaller spaces, they’re the ideal way to heat and cool additions to homes, retrofitted attics, or garage spaces. These HVAC […]
Is It Wise to Have Ductless HVAC Systems?
Mini-splits, also called ductless HVAC systems, are one of the most energy-efficient ways of keeping your home comfortable year-round. They use the same components that central air conditioners and heat pumps do, but they don’t require ductwork to provide comfort. These systems are a viable way of conditioning a new addition or modified space like […]
Ways You Can Decrease AC Strain During Hot Summer Months
The hotter the weather gets, the more you run your air conditioner. Not only does this constant use expend a lot of energy, it also puts a significant strain on your system. This can cause it to wear out more quickly, break down more frequently, and need replacement sooner. Fortunately, there are ways to reduce […]
How to Maintain Duct Efficiency in Your Home
Whether on a frigid winter night or a hot summer day, you rely on your furnace and AC to run efficiently and to keep you comfortable from the elements. What about the other major component of your HVAC system that delivers the conditioned airflow — your ductwork? Keep reading for tips about how to maintain […]
Can You Have Temperature Balance Between Inside and Outside?
One of the key indicators of your HVAC system working at its peak is if it’s striking the right temperature balance between the outdoor and indoor air. In the winter, the balance is achieved if your heating system maintains the temperature inside your house at several degrees higher than the temperature outside.
Heat Duct Guide: Difference Between Floor & Ceiling Systems
The location of your heat ducts may look like a minor detail. However, you shouldn’t consider it as an afterthought because it can have a significant impact on your heating costs and comfort. So which is the better location for your duct openings between the ceiling and floor? Let’s compare and contrast them.
All You Need to Know About HVAC Ductwork
A brief overview of HVAC ductwork basics helps to understand how these vital components keep your home comfortable and efficient in all seasons. A typical residential HVAC system circulates over 1,000 cubic feet per minute of cooled or heated air. For optimum temperature control, ductwork is designed to distribute a balanced volume of conditioned air […]
How to Check Your HVAC Airflow and What It Means
HVAC airflow is among the most critical factors when it comes to home comfort and efficiency. When airflow’s not up to specs, cooling and heating performance declines, energy consumption rises and system components incur more wear and tear.
4 HVAC Resolutions for 2019