Your landscaping can have a big impact on how well your HVAC system performs, both summer and winter. Trees, shrubs, weeds, grass and even some of your landscaping and gardening practices play a part. Read on and learn how gardening affects HVAC systems.
How Yard Work Affects An HVAC System
With spring in full swing and summer just around the corner, chances are you’ve been focusing your efforts on keeping your yard nice and tidy. A well-kept lawn and landscaping can do more than just improve your home’s aesthetics. It can also help your HVAC system operate at peak condition.
Landscaping Tips: Keep Your A/C Unit From Being an Eyesore
While your air conditioner is greatly beneficial to your home’s comfort, it probably isn’t as helpful to the beauty of your garden. The large, boxy outdoor condenser unit can be too conspicuous and unattractive when sitting in your yard. The good news is you can make it disappear without sacrificing its efficiency with these clever […]
Landscaping is Beautiful and Useful: How to Take Advantage of the Foliage
An easy and enjoyable way to improve the air quality and cooling efficiency inside your Dayton-area home is with landscaping. Placing native plants thoughtfully around your home can lower your energy bills and help clean the air you and your family breathe.