Thermostat placement is critical because your furnace and air conditioner require precise temperature information to heat or cool your house properly. In many ways, the thermostat is the brain of your HVAC system. It senses the temperature inside the house and activates and deactivates the system according to schedules and desired temperatures that are programmed […]
How Many HVAC Zones Is Too Many for Your Home?
If it’s difficult to get your entire home to a comfortable temperature or different family members have different comfort preferences, consider dividing your home into HVAC zones. A zoning system regulates different areas of your home separately while saving energy. How many HVAC zones do you need? Can you have too many? Here’s what you […]
Home Comfort: What Affects It?
While it can be difficult to stay comfortable outside due to extreme weather, it should be less challenging to ensure maximum comfort indoors. Your Dayton home can feel less comfortable when something’s amiss. You can easily boost home comfort if you know the main factors that affect it. Here’s a closer look at these factors.
Zoning System Design Affords Comfort For All
In houses with multiple stories or large, sprawling floor plans, it’s nearly impossible to maintain consistent temperatures everywhere within the structure. Because warm air rises and cool air sinks, upper floors will be warmer than lower floors. Basement rooms will be considerably cooler than the floors above them. A zoning system, which allows you to […]