If you’re buying a new house or retrofitting an old one’s HVAC system, it pays to have a basic idea of good HVAC design. If your heating and cooling system is poorly designed, you’ll pay too much for energy and also be less comfortable than you would be otherwise.
Common HVAC Equipment Buying Mistakes People Make
Getting the best results from your purchase of new HVAC equipment requires being aware of some of the common mistakes that can be made when buying heating and cooling systems. Here is a brief list of those mistakes and what to do to avoid them:
Tips for Best HVAC Cleaning
Your heating and cooling system goes through a lot to ward off the Dayton area’s summer heat and winter chill, so it benefits from attentive care. Routine summer HVAC cleaning helps your air conditioner cool you efficiently all season.
Most Common Energy Myths Debunked
Dayton’s warm summers and frosty winters mean you already spend enough trying to stay comfortable. If you want to keep your costs down, don’t let widespread energy myths fool you.
The Average Lifespan of Your HVAC Components
The expected HVAC lifespan is important information whether you’re purchasing a new furnace or air conditioner or moving into a home where an existing system is already installed. System life expectancy isn’t written in stone — it varies according to a number of different factors that can either extend or reduce the HVAC lifespan.
Things That Affect Your Home's HVAC Costs
It’s just common sense that if you know the factors that affect the cost of heating and cooling your home, you’ll be better equipped to take actions to cut those HVAC costs. So what are those factors? Here are some of the main ones:
How Pets Affect Pet Owners HVAC
We all love our pets, and want to do everything we can to keep them happy, healthy and comfortable. For more and more homeowners, that means keeping their beloved, fur-shedding cats and dogs indoors with the family. After all, pets kept indoors — with opportunities for exercise, of course — tend to be healthier and […]