Summer is here, and it’s the perfect time to upgrade your AC unit. There are a number of new AC features on the market that can help you cool your home more effectively, saving energy and reducing your electric bill. Here are a few of the most important features you should be aware of.
Air Conditioning
Reaping the Benefits of HVAC
Your home comfort system has done a lot for you. Your A/C keeps you cool in the summer, and your furnace keeps you warm in winter. Those aren’t the only ways HVAC has improved your life, though. Here are a few HVAC benefits you probably don’t even think about.
Homeowners Guide for Fixing Cold Spots
While everyone wants to stay cool during the warmer months of the year, having cold spots around your home isn’t ideal. If you’ve been having this problem, here are a few things that will make fixing cold spots easy:
How Air Conditioning Can Affect Your Health
As with anything that impacts your health, air conditioning can be a source of good effects and some that bear taking a closer look at.
The Importance of Checking for Air Leaks Between Seasons
Houses shift on their foundations from season to season, from year to year. That means even if your home was air tight, it may not be now — particularly after a long, hard winter. That’s why it’s always a good idea to take time between seasons to check for air leaks.
Reduce Your Home’s Humidity Naturally
This time of year in southwest Ohio, the humidity cranks up to some truly uncomfortable levels. And if you’re living in a home that doesn’t do a good job of keeping that moist air outside, you’re likely experiencing some tough days and tougher nights. Plus, a humid environment isn’t necessarily the healthiest way to live, […]
How Pets Affect Pet Owners HVAC
We all love our pets, and want to do everything we can to keep them happy, healthy and comfortable. For more and more homeowners, that means keeping their beloved, fur-shedding cats and dogs indoors with the family. After all, pets kept indoors — with opportunities for exercise, of course — tend to be healthier and […]
Reasons Why Your Air Conditioner is Tripping the Breaker
The ability to troubleshoot problems with your major appliances can come in handy. The goal should be to eliminate certain common, easily fixed issues before you call for licensed repair. For instance, if you think your air conditioner is tripping the breaker, you’ll need to know if it’s something that you can easily fix. Then, […]
Reasons Your A/C Isn’t Turning On
Your air conditioner works very hard to keep your home cool and comfortable. That’s why it’s important to give it regular maintenance. Though, sometimes parts wear out or problems arise that need a quick solution if you want to keep your cool. So, if your A/C system is clicking, tripping and just not turning on […]
Tips for Buying a New Air Conditioner
When the time comes to purchase a new air conditioning unit, you may not know where to begin. The numerous types of systems and HVAC contractors available can make you feel overwhelmed. Make sure you avoid the following mistakes that people commonly make when they’re in the market for a new air conditioner.