If you’re seeking a professional HVAC contractor to install, maintain or repair your heating and cooling system, make sure you hire the real thing. Almost anyone with a pickup truck and a cell phone number may claim to be qualified for the job. However, in Ohio the term “contractor” carries a very specific legal definition. Moreover, any reputable HVAC contractor should be able to demonstrate a high level of training and expertise in this specialized field.
When you’re inviting an individual into your home to work on complex systems that directly impact household comfort, operating costs and safety, you want to be confident you’ve got the right person. Here are some tips to make sure that person fulfills the requirements of a qualified HVAC contractor.
- Check for licensing. The Ohio Construction Industry Licensing Board (OCILB) requires individuals to pass an examination, demonstrate a documentable five years’ experience in the HVAC industry and show proof of liability insurance. You can verify the current status of a contractor’s license on the OCILB website.
- Get at least three local referrals and check them. A valid contractor should have a verifiable track record of work in the local community. Ask references about their experience with the contractor, the quality of his work and their overall satisfaction with the finished job.
- Verify a permanent business location. Qualified, reputable HVAC contractors generally don’t work out of their home. They have an established business address with an office/showroom, workshop and marked service vehicles.
- Insist on an estimate in writing. Consider it a red flag if you don’t get one and/or are simply offered a rough verbal estimate, instead. A formal estimate should include an itemized list of all expected costs as well as a projected time frame for completion of the project.
- Ask about professional affiliations. Look for certification by an organization such as the Air Conditioning Contractors Of America (ACCA) the largest HVAC industry group that certifies heating and cooling contractors and sets standards and codes of practice.
Looking for a qualified, established HVAC contractor in Dayton? Contact Ace Hardware Home Services for more information.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in Dayton, Ohio about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).
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