When considering replacing your heating system, you should know some terms that can help you choose the right furnace or heat pump for your Dayton area home. You’ll want a product that will balance affordability with comfort and energy efficiency.
Changing The Filter In Your Furnace: So Easy To Do, So Easy To Forget
You probably don’t think about your furnace every day, even while you’re enjoying the comfort it produces, so it’s understandable that the simple task of changing the filter in your furnace is so easy to forget. But because it’s also so important, make sure to plan for it. Keeping your filter fresh will help keep […]
Boiler On The Edge? Retrofits May Do For Now, But Weigh These Factors Before Deciding
Though the majority of houses today are equipped with furnaces, the usage of boilers is still quite prevalent in older homes across Ohio. Many homeowners who use boilers try to eke out a few more years through retrofitting to increase efficiency. If you’re concerned that your boiler might not make it through this winter, you’ll […]
Looking For Year-Round Energy Savings? Consider Geothermal Heating And Cooling
Here in southwest Ohio, our air temperature varies a lot over the course of a year, and quite a bit even within the same day. But several feet below the surface of our planet the situation is very different. The temperature slightly underground is always moderate and consistently ranges from about 40 to 75 degrees […]
Air Conditioner 101 — The Role Of Proper Sizing By A Trained Professional
Buying an air conditioning system for your Dayton-area home is a big investment. You’ll want to make sure that the money you spend pays you back with the highest level of home comfort and the lowest monthly operating costs possible. To make sure you’re getting a cooling system that fits your needs and your home, […]
Upgrading Your Air Conditioner? Use Liftime Costs To Compare Your Options
Are you thinking about upgrading your air conditioner, and want to save money? That’s great, but make sure you choose a system that does truly save you money, rather than just being cheap to buy.
Need Commercial HVAC Maintenance? We Offer That, Too
Planned HVAC maintenance is the best way to keep your system operating as it should in the coming months and years. Homeowners should sign up for annual residential maintenance to guarantee comfort at home, but commercial HVAC maintenance is just as important if you own a business.
Heat Pump Maintenance Should Be Done On A Seasonal Basis
Life would be so much simpler if car tires never needed air, oil never leaked, or brake pads never needed replacing. But cars are machines, and all machines need regular service. Your heat pump is a complex machine, too. For maximum energy efficiency and optimal comfort, heat pump maintenance should be performed on a seasonal […]
Reducing Summer Allergy Symptoms Indoors
Summer brings many benefits to the Dayton area, but allergies are certainly not one of them. If you suffer from summer allergy symptoms, consider these strategies to allergy-proof your home:
How A Zoning System Evens Your Heating Upstairs, Downstairs And All Around The House
A common problem faced by many homeowners is the inability to maintain an even temperature throughout the entire house. The upstairs is often warmer than the downstairs, and there are certain rooms that just never seem to get comfortable. Zoning systems give you enhanced control over the temperature in different parts of your house so […]