AC efficiency is a big deal, because home comfort accounts for approximately a quarter of the electricity that U.S. homes use. But how do you know your system is as efficient as it ought to be? Read on to learn the warning signs of a system that’s wasting energy, as well as what you can […]
Why Energy Efficient AC Motors Are So Important
Did you know that half of all the electricity used in the United States is consumed by electrical motors — and that 90% of these motors are alternating current (AC) motors? Therefore, upgrading the motors in your house can significantly reduce your home-energy use. Read on to learn more about energy efficient AC motors.
Learn How to Keep Your Summer AC Bills from Skyrocketing
Air conditioning takes the lion’s share of the high energy expenses that homeowners usually incur in the summer. This implies that the savings you can get from reducing your air conditioning costs are substantial. To help you effectively save money, let’s break down the main culprits behind high summer AC bills and learn how you […]
Can a Home Be Too Cool During the Summer?
Being too cool is a problem many people would like to have during a long, hot Ohio summer. However, the fact is, attempting to keep your home excessively cool during very hot weather can actually have the opposite effect. Here are some reasons why “too cool” isn’t cool in some cases:
Best Ways to Keep Your Garage Warm in the Winter
If your garage is unheated, you’re probably not inclined to spend much time there in the winter. Maybe you’ve thought about heating it so that you can make it a place for doing projects or just having a warmer place to start your car in the morning.
Discover Time-Variant Pricing & The Role It Plays in Energy Efficiency
Time-variant pricing by utilities means not all electricity costs the same. Traditional flat-rate pricing imposed the same rates no matter when electricity was consumed. Time-variant plans, however, link rates to predetermined times and usage.
Simple Ways to Reduce Costs Through Energy Savings
Did you get dinged pretty bad from your 2018 taxes? If so you may be looking for ways to make up for the losses. One easy way is to reduce your utility bills by energy savings.
How to Save Energy in the Winter
Ways to Teach Kids about HVAC and Energy Efficiency
Teaching kids about energy efficiency helps encourage them to build good habits when it comes to energy use. One of the biggest sources of energy use in households is the HVAC system. Consider doing the following in order to teach your kids how to reduce energy usage while heating and cooling your home.
Energy Bills: Does Indoor Humidity Affect Them?
When the thermostat says one thing but your body thinks another, more than likely the indoor humidity level is responsible. Besides affecting health and comfort levels, humidity or the lack thereof raises energy costs when you compensate by raising or lowering the temperature.