Installing a ductless HVAC unit can fill the need for cooling and heating in limited spaces. In many cases, it’s just not practical to add or extend ductwork when adding a new room to a home or converting a basement or attic space. Combining other independent sources of cooling and heating such as window AC […]
How Should Your HVAC Equipment Be Stored in Your Home?
If you’re planning a major home renovation or you’re building a new home, don’t forget to plan well for the HVAC system. You’d be surprised how many architects, both commercial and residential, leave planning for the HVAC until last and then have no place for correctly installing HVAC equipment. This can lead to system inefficiency […]
Renting HVAC Equipment
HVAC Safety Tips for Children
Now that the kids are home for summer, you should review your home safety procedures. Assess the ages and levels of maturity of your children and take a realistic look at what hazards the kids are likely to be exposed to when the adults aren’t looking. In general, we tend to think first about fire […]
How Thermostats Work
Thermostats are the “brain” of today’s HVAC systems. The old-school manual units of the past that performed simple “on/off” functions of the A/C or furnace are virtually extinct. Digital programmable thermostats are now the industry standard.
Understand These HVAC Industry Changes in 2018
Change is always a constant in the HVAC industry. In the coming year, there are plenty of changes on the horizon that could potentially have wide-ranging effects throughout the industry. Here are a few of the HVAC industry changes you can expect to see in 2018.
5 HVAC New Year’s Resolutions You Should Adopt
When you’re working on your list of New Year’s resolutions for 2018, consider adding some HVAC ones. HVAC resolutions can help ensure that your heating and cooling equipment stays in good condition throughout the upcoming year. The following are some important resolutions to add to your list.
Is HVAC Coil Corrosion a Cause for Concern?
Discovering that your HVAC system has developed coil corrosion will probably come as a surprise, and not a pleasant one. Corrosion in an HVAC system’s evaporator coil signals either a major repair or a system replacement. Heat pumps and air conditioners use an indoor evaporator coil and an outdoor condensing coil.
What Season Should You Upgrade Your HVAC System?
There comes a time when deciding to upgrade HVAC equipment is the best solution to your comfort and energy efficiency issues. So how do you recognize it’s time to make an upgrade? Here are the factors you should consider:
How Do Fallen Leaves Affect Your Home’s HVAC?
As the leaves change color this autumn, it’s important to think about keeping your HVAC system safe from them when they fall. Fallen leaves can end up causing big problems for heating and air conditioning equipment. Keep the following information in mind this season.