Now that winter is here, you’re probably looking for effective ways to control your heating costs without eroding your comfort. You may be surprised to learn that running the ceiling fans in your home during heating season is an easy way to achieve both these goals.
Replacing Your Furnace Motor: ECM or PSC
If you’re upgrading your home’s heating system and looking at equipment features and options, you’ll want to investigate more efficient furnace motor replacement options.
Lower Energy Bills are a Great Gift to Yourself This Season
The holidays are a great time to lower energy bills and give yourself the gift of extra spending money.
Can a Humidifier Help During the Winter?
The dangers of high humidity — mold, mildew, bacteria, and fungal growth — are well known, but did you know that low humidity can cause problems in your home as well? Dry air can lead to cracking skin, irritated lungs, easier transmission of viruses like the flu virus, increased irritation from allergies, and increased dust.
Home Comfort Solutions That We’re Thankful for
If you’re in the market for new HVAC equipment, today’s systems have a lot to offer in terms of home comfort solutions, efficiency enhancements and air quality improvement.
How to Prepare Your Home for Your Absence While on Winter Vacation
When you’re planning and packing for your trip, don’t forget to take precautions to protect your home.
Is Your Furnace Ready for Winter Usage?
The steady decline in outdoor temperatures signals that winter weather will arrive soon, so it’s vital to get your furnace ready for use. Here are some essential steps to take to ensure that it’s operating reliably, safely and at optimal efficiency. Change the Air Filter Installing a new filter helps keep your heating costs under […]
Why is a Heat Pump a Good Choice?
Traditional HVAC systems use a furnace to heat your home during cooler months, and an air conditioner to cool your home through the summer. But this isn’t the only possible setup: depending on your home’s heating and cooling needs, a heat pump may be more efficient. Heat pumps save money because of a simple, powerful […]
Check Your Carbon Monoxide Detectors
A safety precaution that’s crucial this time of year is checking that your carbon monoxide detectors are working properly.
Take Advantage of These Tax Credits Before Year-End
Having an energy-efficient HVAC system installed can help you reduce your energy usage by as much as 30 percent. This means you’ll end up with lower heating and cooling bills throughout the year in your Dayton home. Thanks to available tax credits and other incentives, you’ll also have a chance to save even more money, […]