Deciding when to replace your HVAC air filter this summer can be confusing, because you’ll likely get different advice depending on who you ask.
Let Houseplants Do the Work and Clean Your Air
For many homeowners, houseplants are nice decorations that add a touch of life to a room. Did you know that those pretty plants can actually work for you?
How to Prepare Your Air Conditioner for Fall
Your air conditioning system has worked hard all summer. The components that affect indoor air quality (IAQ), comfort, and energy efficiency are sure to need cleaning, replacing, or sealing. Here are three ways and areas to check to prepare your air conditioner for the upcoming fall and winter seasons.
How to Breathe Easier With Less Household Dust and Higher IAQ
Smog control may be the main environmental worry for Dayton’s many aerospace firms, but for most area home owners, dust reduction is the fastest way to improve IAQ (indoor air quality).