You might think that in winter, allergens — that is, the particles that set off our allergic responses — would be less prevalent. After all, once there’s a freeze, whatever might have been flowering will be done and it’s unlikely any pollen is being produced. However, among the most common winter allergens is mountain cedar, […]
Mild Weather HVAC Settings
Fall is usually a great time in our region to turn the air conditioner off and fling open the windows — for just a few brief weeks before colder weather sets in. We all look forward to these periods of letting the fresh air in and reducing our use of the HVAC system, but naturally, […]
Rid Your House of Mold
The hazards of breathing mold spores have been well publicized, but the fact is, not all molds are the same, and not all individuals respond to mold with severe allergic reactions. So, while it’s good to be vigilant, don’t panic when you find mold in your home. These tips will help you get rid of […]
Allergies This Season Will Not Be a Problem With These Tips
Many allergy sufferers stay indoors in the fall to avoid high pollen counts that cause uncomfortable symptoms such as sneezing, itchy or watery eyes, runny noses and nasal congestion. Unfortunately, a well-sealed home can trap allergens such as animal dander, dust mites, mold spores and pollen. To make your home a safe haven from allergies this […]
Indoor Air Quality: Get A Handle On The Most Common Pollutants
Autumn is well under way, and homes in the Dayton are already shutting their windows and turning on the furnace. But how is the indoor air quality in your home? According to the federal EPA, two main factors can cause pollution and reduce indoor air quality: particulate matter (PM) and gaseous pollutants.
Want Better Air Quality In Your Home? Consider Installing UV Lights
Do you ever think about the air quality in your home, and the possible threat of mico-organisms to you and your family? Poor quality indoor air counts as one of the top five environmental health risks, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. But there are steps you can take to improve the air quality […]