Summer in Dayton is air-conditioning season, and it’s also the time of year to consider workable ways to conserve AC energy. During the summer months, Dayton’s average daily outdoor temperatures rise to 85 degrees, with relative humidity at or above 60%. Meanwhile, a central air conditioner with a cooling capacity of 2.5 tons — typical […]
Feel Like Your Thermostat is Wrong? Guide to Common Thermostat Problems
When your air conditioning is running properly, your thermostat should show the correct temperature. When you have a thermostat reading wrong temperature, this could indicate that there’s an issue with your HVAC system or your thermostat. Find out what to do in this situation, so that you can make sure your Dayton home stays cool […]
How to Create a Comfortable Home for Pets with Indoor Heating
The End of Daylight Saving Time: Adjusting Your Thermostat
The end of daylight saving time falls on November 4th this year, so you should be making sure that your thermostat is all set for this change. Keep the following information in mind, and you’ll be ready to handle any thermostat adjustments you need to make for the return of standard time.
Heat Pump Malfunction? Find the Cause
Keeping your Dayton home’s heat pump operating correctly is essential to maintaining a comfortable home during the hot summer months. A heat pump malfunction can spell a nasty situation, especially when the equipment stops cooling during the hottest week in July. To help get a malfunctioning heat pump back to work as quickly as possible, […]
Have You Scheduled Seasonal HVAC Maintenance for Your Dayton Home?
Have you scheduled seasonal HVAC maintenance yet for your Dayton area home? It’s hard to believe, but the calendar has rolled around to spring, and the summer cooling season will soon follow hot on its heels. All proper maintenance is based on a preventive approach to identify and avert A/C problems before they happen, which […]