You’ve probably heard about the energy efficiency provided by geothermal heat pumps. Thanks to their ability to tap into the warmth of the earth, geothermal systems are an efficient and cost-effective means of conditioning air even during the coldest Dayton winter. But how are they in terms of upkeep and maintenance costs?
Filtration Systems Clean Up Indoor Air
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), indoor air is often significantly more polluted than outdoor air. In fact, the levels of pollution are often so high that the EPA has listed indoor air pollution among the top five biggest environmental risks to public health. With that in mind, residents of the Dayton area […]
Top Three Factors That Show Why You Should Choose Energy Star Products
If you’re looking to purchase a new HVAC system for your heating or cooling needs, take a closer look at products with the Energy Star label. While there may be plenty of inexpensive options available, many of these systems end up being more costly to run and maintain. HVAC systems that have earned the federal […]
Evaluate Your Home Equipment’s Energy Efficiency To Make Changes That Impact Your Checking Account
For homeowners, energy efficiency is a major concern. Wasted energy leads to wasted money, and by conducting a simple home energy evaluation, you can spot inefficiencies and take action to solve them, which will help you save while doing the environment a favor.
How Much Focus Should I Put On Maintenance For My System’s Air Handler?
Your air handler plays an important role in the efficiency of your HVAC system. Not only is it instrumental in the proper circulation of conditioned air, it contributes significantly to the maintenance of indoor air quality. Thus, neglecting your air handler can result in compromised energy efficiency, household comfort and air quality.
New Refrigerant Laws And What They Mean For Air Conditioners
With the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s approval of R410A, a new refrigerant that has proved less harmful to the environment in terms of ozone depletion, Dayton area residents may be wondering what’s next in terms of their older, R22 operated air conditioners. While the intention is to eventually phase out the R22 systems, for now, […]
Thinking Geothermal? Looping Options Are One Of The First Considerations
If you’re looking for an energy-efficient means of year-round heating and cooling, geothermal heat pumps offer the solution. Unlike air-source heat pumps, which rely on the fluctuating temperature of outside air as their source of heat energy, geothermal systems extract their heat directly from the ground, taking advantage of the constant temperatures several feet underground. […]
How To Increase Air Circulation This Summer, And Get A Fresh-Air Feeling With Savings
Indoor air quality refers to the amount of fresh air circulation and quantities of pollutants present in the air inside a building. Many residents are not aware that the air inside their homes is often many times more polluted than exterior air, due to concentrated levels of pollutants that are not sufficiently flushed from the air. The ability of an HVAC system to […]
Tankless Water Heater Features To Explore Before Selecting A System
Dayton area residents who are trying to save money on their utility bills are increasingly looking for more efficient appliances. If you are looking to save on your bills, a tankless water heater could be one avenue to explore. Knowing what to look for when selecting a system can mean the difference between success and […]
Summer’s End Is Around The Corner: Use These Operational Tips To Optimize Your Air-Conditioning System
The end of summer may be in sight but you still want to get the most out of your air conditioning while you’re still using it frequently. Use some of the operational tips to keep it running smoothly and efficiently so you stay cool without wasting energy and money: