The Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) can help you understand how efficient your HVAC system is. Along with the Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE), it’s one of the most common and important ratings that can predict your system’s performance.
How Many BTUs Does a Furnace Need for Your Dayton Home?
BTU stands for British thermal unit, the standard metric for measuring the heat input of furnaces. One BTU is the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of one pound of water by 1 degree Fahrenheit, or about the amount of energy given off by a birthday candle.
Select the Best Central-Heating Boiler for Your Springfield Home
Central-heating boilers provide comfortable home heating by producing hot water and steam that’s circulated through radiators, under-floor heating and baseboard heating. Unlike forced-air furnaces, central-heating boilers don’t dry out the air or circulate airborne contaminants throughout your home. Keep reading to determine the best central-heating boiler for your Springfield home.
Considering a Geothermal System? Then Consider These FAQs
While the world might be abuzz about solar power, you may be surprised to know that one of the best solutions to high energy costs lies not in the sky, but beneath your feet. Installing a geothermal system in your Dayton-area home can provide you with clean, quiet cooling and heating that can cut your […]
Your Furnace Glossary: Terms It Can Pay to Know
Most Dayton area homeowners know what thermostat means, but if you’re among those unfamiliar with more obscure furnace glossary terms, the following guide should be a big help.
Buying A New Boiler? You Need A Handy Guide To Navigate The Process
Does your home’s old boiler system seem to be struggling to get the job done? Because you can’t afford to have your heating system break down in the middle of a cold snap, you may want to consider buying a new boiler now. By adhering to this simple guide, you can select the right boiler for […]
Changes In Furnace Efficiency Standards Every Southwest Ohian Should Know
The U.S. Department of Energy has divided the country into three regions with different furnace efficiency standards: the Southeast, Southwest and North. Ohio falls into the northern region, and the changes in furnace efficiency standards go into effect in May 2013. The current efficiency standard for fuel-burning furnaces is 80 percent AFUE (annual fuel utilization […]
AFUE: A Key Consideration When You're Buying A Furnace
Efficiency matters when it comes to your home’s furnace. If your furnace is old and ready for retirement, you’ll want to replace it with a more efficient model. Doing so will both improve home comfort and lower your heating bills during our long southwest Ohio winter. When buying a furnace, you’ll want to use AFUE […]
The Thought Of Buying A Furnace Is Positively Spine Chilling? Ease Your Anxieties With This Easy Guide
Does the thought of buying a furnace make you start sweating like you’re … standing in front of a furnace? Here are some simple tips for buying a furnace to ease your concerns: