If you seem to be paying too much for energy in your Dayton area home, changing a few habits can help you lower your monthly bills. When it comes to conserving energy, small things can add up to big savings. Here are seven ways you can lower those high energy bills:
Get The Most Out Of Your Programmable Thermostat By Following These 6 Guidelines
With the cold weather almost here, it’s more important than ever that you maintain a comfortable temperature in your Dayton-area home. Utilizing a programmable thermostat can help you accomplish this by allowing you to set daily and weekly energy-saving settings.
How You Program Your Thermostat Determines How Much Energy You Save
Traditional thermostats allow you to only manually set the temperature in your home. The furnace or air conditioner will maintain that temperature, but will turn off and on all day or night to do it. Unless you change the setting manually, you have no option to save energy by running the system at a lower […]
Choosing A Programmable Thermostat
Deciding to install programmable thermostats is easy. Since it can save you a decent amount on your energy bills, it is usually the smart way to go. Choosing which programmable thermostat, on the other hand, is usually more difficult.